Wednesday, January 18, 2017

36 days

I finally got my Christmas laptop in, which is long overdue. They sent me a broken one first and it only took them like 3 weeks to send me a working one. Oh wells. At least I have it now. So feeling is returning to my lower lip and chin but definitely not in a good way. It tingles and I have to say the sensation is rather unpleasant, especially when I brush my teeth. There is nothing normal about my mouth and the way it functions still. This is a really really long recovery. I fully expected it but the experience has to be from first hand. I truly cannot accurately describe it myself. School started back about a week ago right before my last post. It's been interesting being back. Everyone has questions about my surgery and wants to know the typical stuff. I definitely look different, I get that a lot from my classmates and professors. I'm just over five weeks post op and something I've noticed is that time really does go by so much quicker once you're able to eat semi solid foods. This is why most jaw surgery blogs usually begin to diminish after the first month. I can't say I won't be different, I do have a pretty busy life as a full time college senior. Something else I would like to address. I have not done a recovery timeline. Here's why: every single timeline I have seen on the internet is completely inaccurate after the first week. It always always always depends on what you're having done and who your surgeon was. I cannot tell you when you'll be cleared to eat or when you'll have your palate splint removed. I have to keep mine for 7 weeks due to the amount of expansion, so even with the same surgeon your answer will be different. I was doing things waaaay before other people and some things a little after according to their timelines. I fully recommend looking at said timelines BEFORE surgery and anything that you specifically want to know about should be brought up to your surgeon during your pre op appointment. Some people weren't drinking out of cups for at least 2 weeks and I was doing this on day 3. Anyway. I have no more to say on the subject for today. I hope everyone is having a splendid year so far. Keep in touch xoxo

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

29 days post op and second follow up appointment

Today I saw Dr. Sullivan for my one month post op appointment. I won't see him again for another 3 weeks on February 1st. That'll be the day they take off my palate splint. I no longer have to wear a front elastic. Just one on each side of my mouth. He also cleared me for orthodontics and said I can begin chewing after they change the wire on my top teeth. Things have been a lot easier. I do have a lot of teeth pain and I do have jaw joint pain occasionally but it's all easily manageable. Still cannot feel my lower lip or chin but I can control both, gotta be thankful for that at least. I'm happy with my diminished swelling results. I see the orthodontist on the 26th which will be an adventure of its own!
 I've come a long way since this... 👍☺

Monday, January 2, 2017

20 days post op!

some good before and after comparisons taken today! Don't judge my under pics. It's the only way I could show the extent of my overbite and how much it's fixed, I'm fully aware that this angle is not flattering haha

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2K17! I brought in my year with a kiss from the love of my life. Too bad I could only feel it with my top lip, hahaha not. Anyway, I made it into my 20s! It's like day 10 but better. I'm eating spaghetti os to celebrate. I'm still eating the same type of stuff but with more options I'm not hungry much and time goes by a lot quicker. My incision sites are bumpy and scarred. I have been doing exercises with my lips to help break down scar tissue and expand my ability to open my mouth. I hear these restrictions can be permanent if you don't exercise and work the skin a lot after the stitches are dissolved. I just smile really big and pucker my lips. I feel significant stretching and I personally believe it's helping. I started using listerine to help keep my mouth clean yesterday. I highly recommend waiting until AT LEAST 2 weeks to do this. Maybe even longer. The alcohol is not good for suture sites and could severely irritate it and you don't want that. I'd like to address something I read online. I read other blogs because I'm still going through recovery and although I'm doing better it's nice to see how my recovery correlates with others. Anyway, I saw a guy straight up say this isn't a big deal of a surgery and that people blow it out of proportion. Idk what he had done or when (or if he even did LOL) but I'd like to say that this is a HUGE deal. I'm doing a lot better now, but I still sleep most of the day and I'm still unable to chew for the most part. Maybe he had a single jaw surgery or something minor but he compared it to having your wisdom teeth out. I've had my wisdom teeth out too and yes the pain in the lower jaw can be comparable to an extent but this is so much bigger. I mean I was in the hospital for 36 hours post op. Oh well. That made me a little mad because it's really misleading. I wouldn't have survived without my family and Cody doing everything for me. Anyway, tomorrow is 3 weeks post op and I definitely feel good knowing I've made it this far. Finally. That's all I have to say.