Wednesday, December 28, 2016

15 days post op and first appointment.

Nothing but good news. I got cleared to ear mashed potatoes, soft pastas, eggs and things I can crush with my finger. It's awful eating though. It hurts only because my jaw is so stiff but other than that it's alright. It was really messy and I definitely will need to be patient with relearning how to do it all. I feel like a baby. I had noodles hanging from my numb lips bit too was so good. I had minestrone soup for an appetizer, angel hair pasta over done with marinara sauce and cheesecake with a mousse center for dessert. It felt wonderful to fill my tummy with solid food. I wore a bib and a lap napkin. Everyone at olive garden was cheering me on. Doc showed me my before and after x-rays, changed and reduced my elastics and let me brush my teeth. I don't have my back elastics and my front switched to move my top jaw midline over. They're also much less tight. Almost not even noticeable. He gave me a bag of extras to change them out now. Life is going to be much easier from here on out. I can brush all of my teeth and the inside of my mouth now which is beautiful. Drinking from a straw is still somewhat of a challenge but everyday I get stronger and better. I feel good still. I am so happy I had this surgery.
 new jaw, who dis?

my first meal. All I've dreamed of this whole time. See my baby cuts? Oh well. 

yum yum

the napkins I went through trying to remain civilized 

picked up my best friend and went out for starbucks! 

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